Monday, August 4, 2008

Lets just see...

I wanna what you guys want me to post.... anything you want!!! you just have to comment and after a week I will do everything that is asked! (unless it is inapropiate) : )


[jessica] said...

the guy standing next to me's name is peter. we're just friends.

Matt Haroldsen said...

i would like you take a picture of yourself dressed as a monkey playing a pretend guitar with a guinne pig on your shoulder and a banna peel on your head!! can't wait to see the pic!!!

Love uncle Matt!!

Maddie said...

tooo bad I don't have a monkey suit! I am not doing that!!!! I mean like: do the evelution of dance and put it on my blog!

The Thomas Family said...

I'm with Matt. I think you should do what he says. I really can't believe you don't have a monkey costume. :)